Sustainability through Ethical Resource Management

At L.H. Gray & Son Ltd. (“L.H. Gray”), we live by a mission, vision and values that speaks to our
commitment to sustainability through ethical resource management. Child labour, coerced labour,
and/or forced labour is strictly prohibited within our operations and is not condoned among our

To mitigate risks within our business units, we adhere to the following ethical employment standards:

    • Employees have chosen employment freely.
    • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
    • Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
    • Child labour is not permitted.
    • A fair and legal wage is paid to all employees.
    • Working hours are not excessive and comply with National and Provincial laws.
    • Discrimination is not tolerated in our hiring or contracting procedures.
    • Regular scheduled employment is provided to all employees.
    • Inhumane or harsh treatment of employees, contractors, and/or vendors is not tolerated.

This report has been published in response to the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in
Supply Chains Act (the “Act”). It outlines the steps taken to prevent and/or reduce the risk that forced,
or child labour is used by L.H. Gray, its related companies, and within its supply chain during the 2023
calendar year.

Read the Full Report (2023)